About Me

Hello and welcome ! My name is Veronika, and I'm pleased that you found your way to my website.

Through my family business background, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of administration and sales.

Als erfahrene Buchhalterin habe ich sowohl in Kanzleien als auch in Unternehmen gearbeitet, wodurch ich ein umfassendes Verständnis für die Bedürfnisse beider Seiten entwickelt habe.

Veronika Röhrmoser

About me

My motivation

My project

About Me

I grew up in southern Munich and have I successfully completed my training as a state-certified tax clerk there in 2017. My training gave me a sound understanding of tax processes and business relationships. From 2020 to 2023, I had the opportunity to study business administration in the United States. This international training broadened my horizons and gave me valuable insights into global business practices and management strategies.

My Motivation

As an accountant, it is my responsibility to give you all to take care of your company's financial affairs. My goal is to ease your burden of accounting, tax returns and financial reporting so you can fully focus on developing and growing your core business. Through my expertise and conscientious support, I want to ensure that you always have a clear financial basis and can make strategic decisions with confidence.


My Project

Through my tax service, I would like to help creative minds no longer be afraid of the challenges of taxes and bureaucracy. My goal is to create an environment where many more people feel encouraged to turn their creative business ideas into reality. By making complex tax and bureaucratic matters understandable and supporting them with transparent advice, I would like to help entrepreneurs to concentrate their energy fully on their business.

Federal Association of Independent Accountants and Accountants (BBB) ​​|| |44

Der Bundesverband selbständiger Buchhalter und Bilanzbuchhalter (BBB) ist eine maßgebliche Interessenvertretung für selbständige Buchhalter und Bilanzbuchhalter in Deutschland. Er unterstützt seine Mitglieder in rechtlichen, steuerlichen und berufspraktischen Belangen und fördert durch Weiterbildungsangebote sowie Netzwerkveranstaltungen den fachlichen Austausch.

Contact me

Your accounting is important to me . Please leave me a message so that we can address your accounting matters together.
